Safe and Sound Minds Would Not be Deceived by the Invaders Cheating Policies
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety.
It is not surprised when we turn to the pages of history and we also see when the former Soviet Union and its hand picked communist regime use to come under attacks or when the Mujahideen use to conquer any part of Afghanistan, Russian intelligence (KGB) then was quick to blame all the attacks on the neighbour country "Pakistan", it proclaimed that Pakistan had sent its forces into Afghanistan, who were directly taking part in the war and were supporting the Mujahideen, where as, the Russian forces who wanted to occupy Afghanistan, continued their mass killing of innocent civilians, ignoring the Islamic and national values and tried to imposed its ideology, which was to slave the courageous people of Afghanistan. As a result, Soviet Union and its puppets struggled to terminate the greatest struggle jihad, which in its early stages started poorly but with time it picked up its pace to the point where Soviet Union the supper power of the world was defeated, in the process millions of people were martyred, millions left their homes and emigrated to Pakistan. However, Soviet Union never admire or acknowledge the gallantry and steadfastness of Afghan people, instead the world was presented with an image that it was Pakistan and CIA financial and logistical support that played a pivotal role in bring down the Soviet Union, not the Afghans.
American, NATO and the current puppet administration of Kabul are doing exactly the same as the former Soviet Union and its puppets communist regime did, they are trying to implement cheating polices, which will help them continue their illegal occupation, thus increasing the problems of Afghanistan, also using the country to test out their latest weapons of mass destruction, mass killing of innocent people, taking away people rights of independence and scoffing with the religious and national cultures, to all this the reaction of Afghan people is of defiance, they are scarifying their lives for liberating their country from the invaders, and are not willing to except a anti-human democracy, to counter this the invaders and its puppets regime are using the same propaganda which was used by the former communists, that Pakistan is directly supporting the Taliban and that the Taliban are its creation, this to divert the realities of their defeats on the ground.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, sees the American led crusaders coalition as the former Soviet Union, who is trying to hand over the credit of the current Jihad to the neighbouring countries mostly Pakistan, with it they are trying to draw suspensions to the Jihad. We know that this deceiving satanic police has not fooled the Afghan people, who understand what roles the neighbouring countries played when American and NATO forces attacked Afghanistan, it show great ignorance of people who believe that the same neighbouring countries who provided their lands from where America and NATO forces launch their attacks and who are still providing their air spaces, as well as are the supply line of the invaders would now be helping the Taliban.
Intelligent people will never agreed for claiming to be supporting the Taliban is the real reason why the American and NATO forces are attacking the Muslims of Pakistan tribal areas, on the other side of this they have lost more than a hundred of their soldiers during the last month in Afghanistan. German news agency "DPA" issued a report last week, which mentioned that the ferocity of Taliban attacks in the last few months have made America start a new falsification policy in the media, it seem that Americans can not fight against the Taliban as they have fearer of being attacked by the Taliban.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
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