lunes, 9 de junio de 2008

Weekly Comment: Who repeats mistakes of former Soviet Union his conclusion will be as Soviet Union

Who repeats the mistakes of former Soviet Union his conclusion will be as the Soviet Union

The former Soviet Union did not know about the religious and national significances of Afghan people during its invasion in 1980s said the Russian ambassador, talking to the news agencies in celebrating day of withdrawing of first Russian battalion ambassador said: “Russians were not know about the societal structure and geographically significances of Afghanistan” the puppet regimes were to unaware the Russians regarding the aims and demands of whole afghan nation.
Without doubt, that defeat of Soviet Union was not only restricted in Afghanistan but also beat in all the Russian states.

At the result, a biggest political and military power eliminated from the face of the world and only remained Russia.
Ambassador said “Nato and US are repeating unsuccessful experiences of the former Soviet Union, they do not respect to the religious and cultural significances of Afghan nation, they bombard local areas and kill civilians, in spite of this they do not see to the economic crisis of the country, their conclusion will be worse than the Russians.
Actually, whither seen to the crimes of the US-led coalition invaders over the past seven years, their crimes, despotism and oppressive roll are higher than the former Soviet Union, in fact, their tratory and enmity are mostly in the huge with Afghan nation and native land, because Russians were usurped the national independent of Afghanistan, they were killed and torture innocent people also supported their poppet regimes, their decisions were issued from the Russian embassy, it was the center of directions.
The rule regulations were issued there and important plans were made there too, the embassy diplomatic were main sources for the issue of decrees.
At present the current poppet regime of Kabul never has endeavor and courage to issue any direction or punished anyone without the order of American officials, although, they do not take openly part in ministry meeting, but behind the scenes they make all the plans, if the decisions are proper with the policies of Americans it presented for discussion without that the parliament do not have permotion to present any decisions for discussion.

As Karzai revealed his dignity in government, addressing to a meeting at Kabul Universities Karzia said: “I never thought that I will be a president, while I was in Rozgan “province” some friends called me that you have selected as the president of Afghanistan.
Now Karzai and his members of government should decide that a regime which made up in out of the country by the external power it could not issue any order without the permotion of Americans, the president of this administration does not able to select governor of a province, how it can stay remain for long time, for example, the external minister of Canada has demanded a few days ago he said “ the administration of Kabul should change governor of Kandahar, talking to news he said: “ governor of Kandahar is an unworthy and wicked person, government be supposed to change him, but governor rejected and said “ I selected by the power of Americans and they already accepted my governorship, therefore, the possibility of my shifting is so weak”.
One of the Germen popular news paper reported last week, it said the intelligence of this country said: “50 per cent of the ministries of Afghanistan are their intelligence agents and they appointed for the beneficent of them, it said “we do not have any fear from them.

We actually can say at the light of these trusts, experiences and background, if the foreign invaders occupy over the other parts of the world they may accepted by the puppet regimes, but at the land of heroes “ Islamic country of Afghanistan” the history never proved that to accept the poppet regimes in this country or accepted the savages of invaders, so the current puppet government and its ministries should think on the last expresses of Russian ambassador, whether they have little thought they may decide and take a bright decision for their future.

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