viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

Corrie family 'heart-sick and outraged' by flotilla raid

Published Wednesday 02/06/2010
Bethlehem - Ma'an - The parents of an American activist killed in Gaza say they are devastated over Israel's deadly raid on an international aid flotilla bound for the Gaza Strip.

"We are heart-sick and outraged about the brutal attack launched by the Israeli Military on the Free Gaza Movement's flotilla of boats," Cindy and Craig Corrie said in a statement.

"The boats were carrying civilian passengers and humanitarian aid into the besieged Gaza Strip, and were clearly in international waters when this illegal attack occurred, in violation of international law," they said.

The number of dead and injured are still unconfirmed, but lowest figures reported are nine killed and 34 injured. Israel has not released their names. Over 700 citizens from nearly 40 countries were on board.

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